Community-led Growth, Day 1 users and Monzo stories w/ Tom Davies, Head of Marketing at Yonder (Monzo, Wise)

Community-led Growth, Day 1 users and Monzo stories w/ Tom Davies, Head of Marketing at Yonder (Monzo, Wise)

Community-led Growth, Day 1 users and Monzo stories w/ Tom Davies, Head of Marketing at Yonder (Monzo, Wise)

Nov 21, 2023

Tom Davies from Yonder (ex Monzo and Wise))
Tom Davies from Yonder (ex Monzo and Wise))

The conversation starts with one of the hosts mentioning a post that received over a thousand likes on LinkedIn. They discuss how this post gained traction and speculate that it was because it resonated with different age groups. The host mentions that hitting on both sides, the boomers and the younger generation, is a recipe for virality.

This discussion about the viral post and its success emphasizes the importance of clear messaging. The post was able to capture the attention and engagement of a wide audience because it communicated a relatable message. It is evident that marketing is not just about creating noise, but about delivering value and resonating with the target audience.

The hosts further discuss their personal experiences and the importance of clear messaging in marketing. They mention how they have been using social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, to share their thoughts and engage with their audience. The host who received over a thousand likes on a post explains that he has been consistently posting for several years, but it was this particular post that gained significant traction. This highlights the need for marketers to continuously refine their messaging and find the right approach to connect with their audience.

Additionally, the hosts touch on the topic of community and its relevance in marketing. They mention their previous roles and how community played a significant part in their marketing strategies. This further emphasizes the importance of clear messaging, as effective community building requires a clear and compelling message to attract and engage members.

Throughout the podcast transcript, the hosts demonstrate the value of clear messaging in marketing. They discuss the impact of a viral post, the need to resonate with different age groups, and the role of community in marketing strategies. It is evident that marketing success hinges on the ability to deliver a clear and compelling message that captures the attention and engagement of the target audience.

In conclusion, marketing is about clear messaging. In a complicated and noisy world, companies must be clear on what they want people to know about them. The podcast transcript highlights the importance of clear messaging through discussions about a viral post, resonating with different age groups, and the role of community in marketing strategies. Effective marketing requires delivering a message that captures attention, resonates with the audience, and builds a strong community.

Building community is essential.

Building community is essential in today's marketing landscape. In order to effectively reach and engage with customers, companies must create a sense of belonging and connection. The podcast transcript provides valuable insights into the importance of community building and its impact on marketing strategies.

One of the key points discussed in the podcast is the role of community in creating a "fake professional life" during college. The guest speaker shares his experience of playing football in the American college system and how the community around sports in the US is obsessed with the game. This highlights the power of community in providing support, opportunities, and a sense of identity.

The conversation also touches on the differences between British and American communities. The guest speaker mentions the obsession with sport in American colleges and the financial resources dedicated to it. This demonstrates how communities can vary in their interests and priorities, and how companies must understand and cater to these differences in order to effectively build a community around their brand.

The guest speaker's move from London to the countryside also highlights the importance of location in building a community. While London may offer more opportunities and resources, the countryside provides a different kind of community and lifestyle. Companies must consider the location and demographics of their target audience when building a community, as different communities have different needs and preferences.

The podcast also delves into the definition of a community. The guest speaker acknowledges that communities can look different everywhere and that there is no one-size-fits-all definition. This highlights the importance of understanding the specific needs, interests, and values of a target audience when building a community. Companies must take the time to research and engage with their audience in order to create a community that resonates with them.

The guest speaker's reflection on his experience at Monzo further emphasizes the importance of community building. He discusses the challenges of balancing the needs of early adopters with the goal of mass adoption. This highlights the importance of understanding the different segments within a community and catering to their specific needs while still maintaining a cohesive brand identity.

In conclusion, the podcast transcript highlights the importance of building a community in marketing strategies. Companies must create a sense of belonging and connection in order to effectively reach and engage with their target audience. This requires understanding the specific needs, interests, and values of the community and tailoring marketing efforts accordingly. By building a strong community, companies can create a loyal customer base and drive brand growth.

Community strategy evolves with growth.

As stated in the podcast, community strategy evolves with growth. It is essential for companies to recognize that their community strategy must adapt as they expand and reach a wider audience. Initially, it may be easier to satisfy early customers and build a product that caters to their specific needs. However, as the customer base grows, it becomes more challenging to meet the diverse expectations and preferences of a mass market.

One key aspect of community strategy is setting clear expectations with early customers. It is important to communicate that as the company grows, changes may occur in the community strategy. This transparency helps manage customer expectations and ensures that the community remains aligned with the company's goals and values.

The podcast also emphasizes the need to be flexible and open-minded when approaching community building. Rather than having a preconceived notion of what a community should look like, companies should focus on understanding what they want to achieve through their community. This involves identifying the desired outcomes and benefits for both the company and its customers. By starting with these goals in mind, companies can then build a community that effectively serves those purposes.

The podcast hosts discuss their own experience with community building and acknowledge that luck played a role in their success. They attribute their achievements to having a specific type of customer who aligned well with their strategies. However, they also highlight the importance of valuing and incentivizing their community members. By recognizing the value of their customers' time and efforts, they have been able to foster a strong and engaged community.

Furthermore, the podcast mentions the power of user-generated content (UGC) and the benefits it brings to marketing efforts. By having a community that is willing to contribute UGC, companies can generate valuable content that can be used for various marketing purposes. This content not only helps in promoting the brand but also serves as social proof, influencing others to join the community and try the product.

Lastly, the podcast emphasizes that a successful community strategy is not solely dependent on having a perfect product. While companies may face bugs and issues, it is the effort and intention behind the product that matters. Customers appreciate when a company is transparent about its challenges and demonstrates a genuine desire to improve and provide the best experience possible.

In conclusion, community strategy is a vital component of a company's marketing efforts. As a company grows, its community strategy must evolve to accommodate the needs and expectations of a larger customer base. By understanding the goals and values of the community, companies can build a loyal customer base and drive brand growth. Flexibility, transparency, and valuing customer contributions are key factors in the success of a community strategy.

Choose the right platform strategically.

One important aspect of community strategy is choosing the right platform strategically. This means selecting a platform that aligns with the target audience and their preferences, as well as the goals and values of the company. In the podcast transcript, the speakers discuss their experiences with different platforms and how they ultimately found success with Slack.

The speakers initially tried using a Facebook group for their community, but found it to be ineffective. They realized that their target audience, people working in tech, were not spending their time on Facebook. This realization led them to explore other options and eventually settle on Slack. They recognized that their target audience already had Slack on their computers and were on the platform all day, making it easily accessible for them.

Choosing the right platform strategically is about understanding where the target audience spends their time and what tools they are comfortable using. In this case, the speakers recognized that people in tech have a high threshold for products that don't work and are always keen to try new things. They also understood that these individuals have a lot of empathy for the challenges of building products, as they are often building things themselves. By selecting Slack, the speakers were able to tap into this audience and create a community that was engaged and supportive.

Additionally, the speakers emphasized the importance of luck in their success with choosing Slack. While they made a strategic decision based on their understanding of their target audience, they also acknowledged that luck played a role in their success. They were fortunate that their product had high daily active users who were constantly using and thinking about the product. This created a natural opportunity for feedback and discussion within the community.

In conclusion, choosing the right platform strategically is crucial for the success of a community strategy. It involves understanding the preferences and habits of the target audience and selecting a platform that aligns with those preferences. By doing so, companies can create a community that is engaged, supportive, and actively contributes to the growth and success of the brand. Flexibility, transparency, and valuing customer contributions are key factors in implementing a successful community strategy.

Engagement and authenticity in community.

Engagement and authenticity are two essential elements in building and maintaining a successful community. In the podcast transcript, the speaker discusses their experience with creating a community on Slack and the importance of choosing the right platform for their target audience.

The speaker mentions that they have found success in using Slack as their community platform. They acknowledge that not everyone may be familiar with Slack, but they have found that the majority of their target audience is already using it. This highlights the importance of understanding the preferences and habits of the target audience when selecting a platform for a community. By choosing a platform that aligns with the target audience's preferences, companies can create a community that is easily accessible and convenient for its members.

The speaker also mentions that they have encountered some challenges with engagement in their community. They note that while they have a dedicated group of active participants, there are also a significant number of members who rarely check the community. This is a common challenge faced by many community managers. However, the speaker expresses that they have chosen not to optimize the community for maximum engagement because they believe that as long as the community feels right, it is successful. This highlights the importance of finding a balance between encouraging engagement and allowing members to participate at their own pace.

Another interesting point raised in the podcast is the role of authenticity in community engagement. The speaker emphasizes that their community is not a marketing problem to solve but a company culture to embrace. They believe that community engagement should involve all members of the company, including engineers, support teams, and founders. This approach creates a sense of authenticity and transparency within the community, as members can interact directly with the people behind the product or service. This level of authenticity fosters trust and empathy, which are essential for meaningful engagement.

The speaker also mentions the importance of maintaining engagement in the community. They explain that early on, they were intentional about creating engagement by assigning different team members to interact with the community each week. This strategy ensured that there were always new topics and questions for members to engage with. As the community grew, the engagement became more organic, with members initiating conversations and discussions themselves. This highlights the importance of creating a supportive and engaging environment where members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

In conclusion, engagement and authenticity are crucial elements in building and maintaining a successful community. Choosing the right platform strategically is crucial for the success of a community strategy. It involves understanding the preferences and habits of the target audience and selecting a platform that aligns with those preferences. By doing so, companies can create a community that is engaged, supportive, and actively contributes to the growth and success of the brand. Flexibility, transparency, and valuing customer contributions are key factors in implementing a successful community strategy.

Engage community through active programming.

Engaging a community through active programming is a vital aspect of building a successful and thriving community. This podcast transcript sheds light on the importance of actively engaging community members and creating a program that encourages ongoing participation and discussion.

The podcast participants discuss their experience in community building, particularly in the crypto space. They mention the concept of community programming, which involves actively engaging community members through regular discussions, questions, and topics. They emphasize that simply creating a platform for communication, such as a Discord or Slack group, is not enough. Without active engagement and a structured program, the community can quickly become stagnant and uninteresting.

The podcast participants highlight the benefits of community programming, such as creating organic and natural content. By starting with a structured program and gradually dialing it down, the community can naturally generate discussions and content without the need for constant direction. This approach allows for more authentic and meaningful interactions within the community.

Furthermore, the participants discuss the importance of involving the entire company in community engagement. They mention the example of a company that cycles through its employees to provide support and answer questions from customers. This approach ensures that community engagement is not solely the responsibility of the marketing or community team but is embraced by the entire organization. By involving employees from different departments, customers can receive support and insights from various perspectives, enhancing the overall community experience.

The podcast participants also touch on the significance of personal connections and empathy in community building. They share their experience of personally onboarding customers and getting to know them on an individual level. This approach builds a sense of familiarity and trust between the company and its customers, leading to stronger relationships and a more engaged community. Even the company's founders actively participate in customer support, further emphasizing the value placed on customer relationships.

In terms of when to add someone to a community, the participants suggest doing so when the individual is most excited about the product. This timing ensures that new members are enthusiastic and motivated to actively participate in the community. By adding new members at the right time, companies can create a community that is vibrant, supportive, and driven by shared interests and passions.

In conclusion, the podcast highlights the importance of actively engaging a community through programming and ongoing discussions. It emphasizes the need for authenticity, transparency, and valuing customer contributions. By involving the entire company and creating a structured program, companies can build a thriving community that fosters meaningful connections and contributes to the growth and success of the brand.

Onboarding strategy: gradual and controlled.

The podcast transcript discusses the onboarding strategy employed by Yonder, a company that focuses on creating a personalized payment experience for its customers. Rather than pursuing a Big Bang launch or attempting to acquire a large number of customers all at once, Yonder chose a gradual and controlled approach to onboarding.

The speaker explains that Yonder initially launched the product to its own team, with the first 10 customers being the people involved in building the product. This allowed them to test the functionality of the card and identify any issues or challenges with the onboarding process. The goal was to ensure that the card worked effectively before expanding the customer base.

Once the initial testing phase was complete, Yonder invited one friend each to become customers. This approach allowed the team to closely monitor and manage the onboarding experience for each new customer. By having a smaller group of customers, they were able to gather feedback and make improvements to the onboarding process as needed.

As the card's functionality improved and the onboarding process became more streamlined, Yonder gradually increased the number of customers by having each team member invite one or two additional friends. This controlled expansion allowed them to continue monitoring and managing the onboarding process effectively.

The podcast emphasizes the importance of not rushing the onboarding process. Yonder recognized that it was essential to have a smooth and user-friendly experience for customers before scaling up. They did not want to expose more people to a flawed or frustrating onboarding process.

By taking a gradual and controlled approach to onboarding, Yonder was able to ensure that the card worked effectively and that the onboarding process was smooth and user-friendly. This strategy allowed them to build confidence in their product and refine the user experience before scaling up their customer base.

The podcast also highlights the importance of creating an emotional connection with customers during the onboarding process. Yonder invested significant effort into designing a visually appealing and engaging unboxing experience for their customers. They wanted customers to feel a sense of membership and excitement when they received their card.

Additionally, Yonder leveraged the moment of receiving the card as an opportunity to invite customers to join their founding member community. By offering exclusive benefits such as the ability to provide feedback, speak directly to the team, and participate in private events and giveaways, Yonder created a sense of exclusivity and value for customers.

The podcast concludes by emphasizing that the onboarding strategy employed by Yonder may not be suitable for every company. However, for e-commerce businesses or any company that can create moments of emotional excitement for customers, it is crucial to capitalize on these moments and invite customers to be more involved.

In summary, the podcast highlights the importance of a gradual and controlled onboarding strategy. By initially launching to a small group of customers and gradually expanding, companies can ensure that their product works effectively and that the onboarding process is smooth and user-friendly. Creating emotional connections with customers and offering exclusive benefits can further enhance the onboarding experience and foster a sense of community.

Launch MVP with polished experience.

The podcast transcript discusses the concept of launching a minimum viable product (MVP) with a polished experience. The speakers emphasize the importance of finding a balance between getting the product out there to gain users and spending time crafting the desired user experience.

One of the key considerations mentioned in the podcast is the pricing model. The company in question launched with a fee upfront, which was relatively high compared to other fintech products in Europe. This meant that customers had certain expectations of quality in return for their payment. The company recognized the need for a polished product to justify the fee and ensure customer satisfaction.

To address this, the company offered a free trial period for the first few months to allow customers to get comfortable with the product and provide feedback. This approach aimed to optimize for user experience and gather valuable insights to improve the product. By prioritizing user feedback and making adjustments based on it, the company aimed to deliver a more polished experience over time.

Another consideration highlighted in the podcast is the importance of ensuring that the product works effectively and consistently. In the case of a payment card, customers need to have confidence in its reliability. Any issues or failures could lead to customers abandoning the product and never using it again. Therefore, the company recognized the need to test and refine the product before launching to a wider audience. By initially targeting early adopters and tech-savvy users, the company could address any teething issues and make improvements based on real-world usage.

The speakers also discuss the significance of building a strong brand and maintaining consistency in the user experience. A premium brand image requires a seamless and consistent experience across all touchpoints. Customers should feel that the product is reliable and of high quality at all times. This requires careful attention to detail and a commitment to delivering a consistent experience.

In conclusion, the podcast highlights the importance of launching an MVP with a polished experience. While it may be tempting to rush the launch and iterate later, taking the time to ensure a smooth onboarding process and a reliable product can lead to better customer satisfaction and long-term success. By gradually expanding the user base and gathering feedback, companies can continuously improve their product and deliver a more refined experience. Additionally, creating emotional connections with customers and offering exclusive benefits can further enhance the onboarding experience and foster a sense of community.

Transitioning from community to growth.

The podcast transcript discusses the process of transitioning from a community effort to achieving growth in a business. The speaker mentions that this transition was a challenging and interesting journey that took approximately nine months for their product. They emphasize the importance of finding the right channels to complement the community effort and achieve the desired growth.

One of the challenges they faced was the risk and fraud associated with their product. They needed to be cautious about who they brought on board as customers since not everyone who wants their product should be given access to it. Their mission was to rebuild young people's relationship with credit, so they wanted customers who would use credit responsibly and pay it off. This added another layer of complexity to their growth strategy.

The speaker explains that they initially tried using Facebook for top-of-funnel testing. While they were able to generate a significant amount of interest and registrations, they found that the customers they acquired were not the right fit for their product. They realized that paid social media advertising was not viable for their specific needs.

To overcome this challenge, they explored various channels such as sponsoring podcasts and newsletters, as well as partnering with different brands for exposure. While these efforts generated awareness, they struggled to convert this awareness into bottom-funnel conversions. Their product required a considered purchase decision, and customers needed time to research and understand how credit works.

The speaker mentions that their current growth mix includes word-of-mouth, both paid and unpaid, as well as partnerships with aggregators like Credit Karma and MoneySuperMarket. However, they acknowledge that customers acquired through aggregators tend to be more rational and focused on finding the best deals, leading to higher churn rates. They aim to strike a balance between these customers and those who join for the brand and the unique experiences they offer.

The speaker expresses a desire to explore more paid channels in the future, but they want to be more thoughtful about their content and approach. They mention the challenges they have faced with platforms like TikTok, which have shadow-banned their content due to triggering terms related to credit cards and credit scores.

In conclusion, the podcast highlights the importance of transitioning from a community effort to achieving growth in a business. It emphasizes the need for careful consideration of channels and strategies to attract the right customers and balance growth with risk. By continuously refining the product, creating emotional connections with customers, and offering exclusive benefits, businesses can successfully transition from community to growth and foster a sense of community among their customer base.

Credit education is important.

The transcript of the podcast reveals the significance of credit education in today's society. The speaker emphasizes the need to educate younger individuals on the responsible use of credit. They believe that credit itself is neither good nor bad, but rather a financial instrument that can be beneficial or harmful depending on how it is used.

The speaker acknowledges that there has been a lack of effort in educating young people about credit due to the negative reputation associated with influencers promoting credit irresponsibly. Many social platforms have taken a blanket approach of rejecting any content related to credit, which further hinders the ability to educate and inform.

However, the speaker also recognizes the importance of credit education and the potential benefits it can bring. They mention that using credit responsibly can lead to rewards, better purchase protection, and more affordable mortgages in the future. On the other hand, using credit in the wrong way can result in debt, anxiety, and harm.

The podcast highlights the challenges faced by businesses in promoting credit education. Many social platforms are hesitant to allow content related to credit due to the risk of misinformation and the potential harm it can cause to young, impressionable users. These platforms want to protect their users and ensure they are not being influenced by individuals who may not have their best interests at heart.

The speaker also discusses the use of out-of-home advertising as a means to educate and create awareness about their product. They mention that their product is only available in London, so targeting that specific area through out-of-home advertising was effective in reaching their target audience. The speaker acknowledges that measuring the success of out-of-home advertising can be difficult, but they saw an increase in web traffic and generated buzz and interest in their product.

Overall, the podcast emphasizes the importance of credit education and the challenges faced in promoting it. It highlights the need for businesses to find effective channels and strategies to educate young people on the responsible use of credit. By doing so, businesses can help individuals make informed decisions and avoid the negative consequences of misusing credit.

Community is vital for growth.

The podcast transcript discusses the significance of community in driving growth for businesses. The speaker mentions that their community has been held up as a gold standard for a long time and continues to be valuable. However, they also acknowledge the challenges of getting truly reflective feedback from the broader user base.

The speaker believes that community will always be part of their strategy, but acknowledges that it will change over time. They suggest that community interactions may shift from two-way conversations to more one-way informative content. Additionally, they propose the idea of segmenting customers based on when they joined and tailoring community experiences accordingly.

The podcast also explores the potential for integrating community into the product itself. The speaker mentions examples of other companies, such as Class Pass and Duolingo, that have successfully incorporated community elements into their products. They suggest that leaderboards, gamification, and building streaks within the community could enhance engagement and create a sense of ritual among users.

However, the speaker also acknowledges the challenges of maintaining a positive and supportive community culture. They emphasize the importance of setting a strong foundation of good behavior and engagement early on, as online forums can become toxic over time. They mention the need to actively fight against negativity and potentially draw inspiration from gaming communities in fostering a positive community environment.

In conclusion, the podcast highlights the vital role of community in driving growth for businesses. It emphasizes the need for businesses to adapt and evolve their community strategies over time, while also integrating community elements into their products. The podcast also underscores the importance of fostering a positive and supportive community culture to ensure long-term success.

Community vs audience: Know the difference.

The podcast begins by discussing the difference between a community and an audience. The speaker compares an audience to a hotel, where people are there for a transactional experience and do not interact with one another. On the other hand, a community is likened to an apartment building, where people get to know each other and form connections. The podcast emphasizes that communities provide a safe space for individuals to connect and naturally engage with others.

The speaker acknowledges that the terms "audience" and "community" are often used interchangeably, but highlights the distinction between the audience a business is targeting and the community of users or customers who have a genuine affinity for the brand. It is suggested that businesses should treat these two groups differently, recognizing the value and loyalty of the community.

The podcast shares an anecdote about customers who wanted to remain part of the community even after canceling their subscriptions. Initially, the business was unsure about allowing them to stay, but eventually decided that as long as they were not causing any issues, they could continue to be part of the community. This example highlights the strong bond and sense of belonging that can be fostered within a community.

The conversation then shifts to the topic of monetization. The podcast acknowledges that while communities can provide value beyond the product itself, there may still be a need to charge a fee or implement a monetization strategy. This is a necessary step to sustain the community and ensure its continued growth and success.

The podcast concludes with a discussion about growth strategies. The speaker reflects on the challenges they faced when initially tasked with driving growth as a product marketer. They highlight the importance of adopting a growth mindset and involving the entire team in the growth process. The speaker also shares their experience of seeking advice from other growth marketers and attending meetups to learn and improve their approach.

In conclusion, the podcast highlights the vital role of community in driving growth for businesses. It emphasizes the need for businesses to adapt and evolve their community strategies over time, while also integrating community elements into their products. The podcast also underscores the importance of fostering a positive and supportive community culture to ensure long-term success.

Growth is everyone's responsibility.

The podcast begins by discussing the misconception that growth is solely the responsibility of a growth marketer. The speaker shares their experience of being told stories about when growth didn't work and how hiring a growth marketer without proper support can lead to failure. They argue that growth is everyone's responsibility within a company.

From a practical perspective, the speaker explains how their team approaches growth. Marketing is responsible for bringing high-value, high-intent people to their website or app. This can be achieved through various channels such as social media or out-of-home advertising. The team focuses on optimizing these channels to generate interest and awareness.

However, the speaker acknowledges that growth goes beyond marketing. They have a separate team that takes over the application process and other credit-related aspects. They emphasize that marketers should not be solely responsible for these areas as they may not have the necessary expertise or control over the underlying processes.

The podcast highlights the importance of empowering all employees to impact growth. The speaker states that their team's goal is to bring high-value, high-intent people to the website and start an application. From there, the focus shifts to optimizing the application process and increasing product understanding. Finally, they have a team dedicated to member value, reducing churn, and increasing engagement.

The podcast emphasizes that growth is a two-sided process involving both acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones. The member value team plays a crucial role in reducing churn and increasing long-term engagement and value.

The speaker acknowledges that their company, Yonder, is learning and evolving as they navigate the challenges of growth. They recognize that being in a startup means figuring things out along the way and that it is a process of trial and error.

In conclusion, the podcast highlights the importance of recognizing that growth is everyone's responsibility within a company. It emphasizes the need for a collaborative approach, with different teams working together to optimize different stages of the customer journey. By empowering employees and fostering a positive community culture, businesses can drive sustainable growth and success.

Offering stickers to podcast listeners.

One of the key takeaways from the podcast is the idea of offering stickers to podcast listeners as a way to engage and connect with the audience. This simple gesture not only serves as a token of appreciation but also helps to build a sense of community among the listeners.

The podcast hosts discuss the logistics of getting stickers printed and offering them to every listener who reaches out through direct messaging. This shows their commitment to fostering a personal connection with their audience and going the extra mile to make them feel valued. By offering stickers, the hosts are providing a physical representation of their brand that listeners can proudly display and share with others.

The hosts also discuss the cost of getting stickers printed and the number of envelopes needed to send them out. They acknowledge that these expenses are minimal and well worth the investment in building a strong relationship with their audience. This demonstrates their understanding of the importance of investing in their community and the long-term benefits it can bring.

Moreover, the hosts recognize the significance of promoting this sticker offer within the podcast itself. By mentioning it on the show, they are ensuring that their listeners are aware of the opportunity and encouraging them to take advantage of it. This proactive approach to marketing and engagement further solidifies the hosts' commitment to their audience and their desire to create a meaningful connection.

In conclusion, the podcast highlights the value of offering stickers to podcast listeners as a way to engage and connect with the audience. This simple gesture not only demonstrates appreciation but also helps to foster a sense of community and loyalty. By investing in these small acts of engagement, businesses can build a strong relationship with their audience and drive sustainable growth and success.