Digital gravity, Zero to one and AI writing w/ Cody Schneider from Swell AI

Digital gravity, Zero to one and AI writing w/ Cody Schneider from Swell AI

Digital gravity, Zero to one and AI writing w/ Cody Schneider from Swell AI

Nov 22, 2023

Cody Schneider founder of Swell AI and Drafthorse
Cody Schneider founder of Swell AI and Drafthorse

Learn by doing, share knowledge.

The podcast episode titled "Learn by doing, share knowledge" explores the importance of hands-on experience in marketing and the value of sharing that knowledge with others. The speakers discuss their own career paths, which were built on trial and error and a willingness to learn from their mistakes.

One of the main themes of the podcast is the idea that there is no substitute for practical experience. The speakers emphasize that you can't learn marketing solely from textbooks or courses - you have to be in the "pit" and actually do it. This sentiment is echoed throughout the marketing industry, as many professionals stress the importance of learning by doing.

Another key takeaway from the podcast is the importance of sharing knowledge with others. The speakers discuss how they have learned from others in the industry, and how they try to pass on their own learnings to those who are just starting out. This "caveman style" of passing on knowledge is crucial to the growth and development of the marketing industry, as it allows for new ideas and approaches to be shared and built upon.

Overall, the podcast episode serves as a reminder that marketing is a constantly evolving field that requires a willingness to learn and adapt. By embracing hands-on experience and sharing knowledge with others, marketers can continue to push the boundaries of what is possible and drive their businesses forward.

Empowering creators with AI.

One of the most exciting developments in marketing today is the rise of AI-powered tools that are empowering creators to produce high-quality content at scale. As the podcast episode highlights, these tools are enabling creators to build media brands with just one or two employees, while also cultivating deep trust with their audiences.

At the heart of this trend is the idea that we are entering the age of the creator. In this new era, individual creators are becoming the driving force behind media and commerce, leveraging their personal brands to build loyal followings and drive sales. This is a significant departure from the traditional brand-centric approach to marketing, where companies relied on advertising and other forms of mass media to reach consumers.

With AI-powered tools like, creators can now produce high-quality content in a fraction of the time it would take to do so manually. This not only allows them to scale their content production, but it also frees up time to focus on other aspects of their business, such as building their brand and engaging with their audience.

One of the most exciting aspects of this trend is the potential for creators to build media brands that rival traditional media companies in terms of reach and influence. By leveraging AI-powered tools to produce high-quality content at scale, creators can build deep relationships with their audiences and cultivate trust that is difficult for traditional media companies to replicate.

At the same time, the rise of AI-powered tools is also creating new opportunities for marketers to learn and grow. By embracing these tools and experimenting with new approaches to content creation, marketers can continue to push the boundaries of what is possible and drive their businesses forward.

Overall, the podcast episode serves as a reminder that the marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and that those who are willing to embrace new technologies and approaches will be the ones who succeed in the long run. With AI-powered tools like, creators and marketers alike have a powerful new tool at their disposal, one that is helping to shape the future of marketing and media.

AI technology makes content searchable.

One of the key takeaways from the podcast is the potential of AI technology to make content searchable. The host and guest discuss how uses a vector database to index all the content that people upload into it, allowing creators to have a corpus of information that they can call against to find everything relative to the call they make. This means that creators can upload an entire back catalog to Swell and have a searchable database that they can provide to their audience. As a result, trapped knowledge that is in these back catalogs can be accessed and found by audiences who are looking for specific information.

The potential of AI technology to make content searchable is not limited to podcasts. The host and guest discuss how this technology can be deployed for other use cases, such as written text. They give an example of how Google could use this technology to pull out sections of a YouTube video and transform it into written text, making it easier for users to find the information they need without having to watch the entire video. The technology could also repurpose content into different formats, making it platform-ready and meeting users wherever they are.

The podcast also highlights how AI technology is changing the startup landscape. Founders are realizing that they can build a million-dollar company with just 50K and 12 months of runway, without having to hire any employees. This is because AI-powered tools like are making it easier for creators to build and grow their businesses without having to rely on traditional marketing and media channels.

In conclusion, the podcast episode shows how AI technology is making content searchable and changing the marketing landscape. With tools like, creators and marketers have a powerful new tool at their disposal that can help them reach their audiences more effectively. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative use cases and applications that will transform the way we consume and interact with content.

Automation is changing venture capital.

The podcast episode titled "Automation is changing venture capital" highlights the impact of AI technology on the venture capital industry. The discussion centers on the challenges faced by investors in managing a large number of small investments. The emergence of micro-funds has led to an increase in the number of investments made by venture capitalists, resulting in a need for automation to manage the investments effectively.

The podcast episode highlights the challenges faced by investors in managing a large number of small investments. The emergence of micro-funds has led to an increase in the number of investments made by venture capitalists, resulting in a need for automation to manage the investments effectively. The podcast suggests that automation is the solution to this problem.

The podcast episode also discusses the impact of automation on marketing. The emergence of AI technology has led to the creation of tools like, which can help creators and marketers reach their audiences more effectively. The podcast suggests that as the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative use cases and applications that will transform the way we consume and interact with content.

In conclusion, the podcast episode shows how AI technology is making content searchable and changing the marketing landscape. With tools like, creators and marketers have a powerful new tool at their disposal that can help them reach their audiences more effectively. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative use cases and applications that will transform the way we consume and interact with content.

AI creating economic gaps.

However, the podcast also highlights a potential downside of AI technology: creating economic gaps. The guest speaker notes that as AI becomes more advanced and efficient, it could lead to a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of those who can afford to invest in it. For example, only the rich may be able to afford the higher tier AIs like GPT-4, which could lead to a larger gap in accessibility and create a virtuous cycle for those already in power. Additionally, the ownership of robots and software could also create economic disparities, as those who own the technology stand to benefit the most from its use.

The guest speaker also reflects on their background in economics and how it has influenced their perspective on the potential economic impacts of AI. They note that the technology could exacerbate existing economic gaps and inequalities, but also acknowledge that they are speaking from a bubble of people involved in the industry. It remains to be seen how AI will seep into all parts of society and impact the broader economy.

In conclusion, while AI technology has the potential to revolutionize industries and improve efficiency, it is important to consider how it may also create economic gaps. As AI continues to evolve and become more prevalent, it is crucial to ensure that its benefits are distributed fairly and equitably. This may require policy changes and regulations to ensure that the technology is used in a way that benefits all members of society, rather than just those who can afford to invest in it.

AI is transforming content creation.

AI is transforming content creation in ways that were once thought impossible. With the help of AI, content creators can now prompt it to do anything they can imagine writing about a podcast. This technology is not only being used by podcast creators, but also by YouTube creators, especially those in the educational field. AI is being used to transform military videos or history lessons into articles that can be put on a blog or website.

The guest speaker notes that AI is changing the way content is created. Anyone can go to chat GPT and, with the help of an outline, get 99% of the same content as someone else in a different location. This is what the speaker calls commodity content, which is anything that any AI could write. However, branded content will now come from internal information that only the company has access to. This could be in the form of reports, case studies, fireside chats, podcasts, and more. AI is being used to generate all of this branded content, which can be transformed into blog posts, LinkedIn posts, Twitter threads, and more.

The speaker also notes that companies that were built in 2010, such as social media scheduling apps, have a moment where they can be disrupted. They are trying to layer on AI tools, but it is just bloatware that doesn't work and solves no real problem. However, if a founder comes in and builds a system that can upload all blog posts and write tweets based on Twitter data, they can disrupt companies like Buffer and Later.

While AI has the potential to revolutionize industries and improve efficiency, it is important to consider how it may also create economic gaps. The guest speaker notes that AI could exacerbate existing economic gaps and inequalities. It remains to be seen how AI will seep into all parts of society and impact the broader economy. It is crucial to ensure that its benefits are distributed fairly and equitably. This may require policy changes and regulations to ensure that the technology is used in a way that benefits all members of society, rather than just those who can afford to invest in it.

In conclusion, AI is transforming content creation and has the potential to revolutionize industries. However, it is important to consider its potential impact on the economy and how it may create economic gaps. It is crucial to ensure that its benefits are distributed fairly and equitably, which may require policy changes and regulations. As AI continues to evolve and become more prevalent, it is important to ensure that it is used in a way that benefits all members of society.

Automate marketing for compounding growth.

The podcast discusses the potential of automated marketing for compounding growth. The speakers highlight the importance of using AI to automate marketing processes and create a feedback loop that allows for continuous improvement. By analyzing data and identifying what works, businesses can create a flywheel effect that leads to compounding growth.

One of the key benefits of automated marketing is the ability to generate content more efficiently. AI can analyze existing content and generate new ideas based on what has worked in the past. This can save businesses time and resources, as they no longer need to spend hours brainstorming new content ideas. Instead, they can rely on AI to provide them with a steady stream of content that is likely to resonate with their audience.

Automated marketing also allows businesses to identify and capitalize on marketing arbitrage. By automating as much of the marketing process as possible, businesses can focus on finding areas where they can get the most return on investment. They can then layer these arbitrage opportunities together to create a larger system that leads to compounding growth.

However, the speakers also acknowledge that there are potential downsides to automated marketing. For example, it could lead to job displacement as marketing teams are replaced by automated systems. It is important to ensure that the benefits of AI are distributed fairly and equitably, and that policy changes and regulations are put in place to address any economic gaps that may arise.

In conclusion, the podcast highlights the potential of automated marketing for compounding growth. By using AI to automate marketing processes and create a feedback loop, businesses can generate content more efficiently and identify marketing arbitrage opportunities. However, it is important to consider the potential impact of AI on the economy and ensure that its benefits are distributed fairly and equitably. As AI continues to evolve, it is crucial to use it in a way that benefits all members of society.

AI for efficient content creation.

The podcast discusses the role of AI in content creation and marketing. The speaker emphasizes the importance of employing AI to automate marketing processes and create a feedback loop for businesses. By doing so, they can generate content more efficiently and identify marketing arbitrage opportunities. The speaker suggests that young marketers should learn how to employ AI to do versions of their job, enabling them to produce content equivalent to that of multiple people.

The podcast also highlights the potential of automated content creation for SEO purposes. The speaker discusses a new release from Swell, which allows users to upload a list of keywords and generate blog posts about them. This strategy can be used to rank for low keyword difficulty phrases and generate traffic for the business. While the content generated may not be perfect, it can be refreshed and improved over time.

The speaker notes that while AI has the potential to revolutionize content creation and marketing, it is important to consider its impact on the economy. It is crucial to ensure that the benefits of AI are distributed fairly and equitably. As AI continues to evolve, it is important to use it in a way that benefits all members of society.

In conclusion, the podcast highlights the potential of AI for efficient content creation and marketing. By using AI to automate processes and generate content, businesses can save time and identify new opportunities for growth. However, it is important to use AI in a way that benefits all members of society and ensures that its benefits are distributed equitably.

Arbitrage is fleeting, capitalize aggressively.

One key takeaway from the podcast is the importance of capitalizing on arbitrage opportunities. As the speakers note, when a new opportunity presents itself, businesses have a short window of time to take advantage of it before it disappears. This is particularly true in the rapidly changing world of SEO and content marketing, where new tools and techniques are constantly emerging.

One such opportunity highlighted in the podcast is the use of AI for content creation. By using AI to write articles and generate content, businesses can save time and resources while still producing high-quality content. This can be particularly beneficial for early-stage companies looking to establish a strong online presence.

However, the speakers also note that this arbitrage opportunity is fleeting. As more businesses adopt AI for content creation, the window of opportunity will close, and those who fail to capitalize on it will be left behind. This underscores the importance of staying ahead of the curve and being proactive in identifying and taking advantage of new opportunities.

Ultimately, the podcast highlights the potential of AI for transforming content creation and marketing. By automating processes and generating content more efficiently, businesses can save time and resources while still producing high-quality content. However, it is important to use AI in a way that benefits all members of society and ensures that its benefits are distributed equitably. As the speakers note, the key is to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize aggressively on new opportunities as they arise.

Own distribution is key.

One of the main themes of the podcast is the importance of "own distribution" in content creation and marketing. This refers to the idea that businesses should focus on building their own channels for distributing content, rather than relying on third-party platforms like social media sites. By doing so, they can have more control over their content and reach their target audience more effectively.

The speakers note that this approach is particularly important in the current digital landscape, where social media algorithms are constantly changing and making it harder for businesses to reach their audience. By building their own distribution channels, they can ensure that their content is seen by the right people and that they are not at the mercy of external factors.

One example of this approach is the speaker's own Twitter account, which has grown rapidly in popularity by using a specific strategy. They write 70 tweets per week, based on the best-performing tweets from the previous month, and use a scheduling app to post them throughout the week. This has resulted in millions of impressions and a growing number of followers, all while keeping costs low.

The speakers also note that this approach can be applied to businesses of all sizes, not just personal brands. By automating content creation and distribution, companies can save time and resources while still reaching their target audience effectively. However, they caution that it is important to use AI in a way that benefits all members of society and ensures that its benefits are distributed equitably.

Overall, the podcast highlights the importance of staying ahead of the curve when it comes to content creation and marketing. By embracing new technologies and strategies, businesses can gain a competitive edge and reach their audience more effectively. However, it is important to do so in a way that is responsible and equitable, and that benefits all members of society.

Twitter is an arbitrage opportunity.

One key takeaway from the podcast is the idea that Twitter represents an arbitrage opportunity for businesses. This means that there is a significant gap between the cost of advertising on Twitter and the potential return on investment. By taking advantage of this gap, businesses can reach a larger audience and generate more leads and sales than they would be able to through other marketing channels.

The podcast notes that Twitter's recent changes, such as the introduction of blue ticks and the increased focus on engagement, have created a unique opportunity for businesses to grow their presence on the platform. By posting high-quality content and engaging with their followers, businesses can build a strong following and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.

However, the podcast also emphasizes the importance of using Twitter responsibly and ethically. While it may be tempting to use automated tools or private networks to grow your following, these tactics can be seen as spammy or even fraudulent. Instead, businesses should focus on building genuine relationships with their followers and providing value through their content.

Ultimately, the podcast suggests that Twitter is just one of many channels for distribution, and that businesses should be constantly experimenting with new strategies and technologies to stay ahead of the curve. By embracing new opportunities and adapting to changing trends, businesses can reach their audience more effectively and achieve greater success in their marketing efforts.

Podcast growth through SEO and ads.

The podcast episode titled "Podcast growth through SEO and ads" delves into the world of podcasting and how businesses can leverage it to grow their audience and revenue. The episode begins with a discussion on the future of owned media and how startups can build their own media channels to sell advertising on. The host shares his experience at Rupa, where he spun up a podcast called the Root Cause Medicine podcast, which became a top 20 medical podcast with 150,000-180,000 downloads per month. The podcast became a revenue generator for the company by selling ads on it.

The episode then transitions into a discussion on podcast growth and how it can be achieved through SEO and ads. The host shares three things that make a podcast successful: podcast SEO, Facebook ads, and growing a newsletter. Podcast SEO involves including keywords in the title, podcast description, episode titles, and show notes, which will help the podcast show up in search results for those specific keyword phrases. Facebook ads can be used to supercharge downloads by pulling out clips from the podcast and targeting iOS-only devices with interest-based targeting. The deep link to the Apple podcast URL will open up the podcast app on the user's mobile device, resulting in a download. Growing a newsletter can also help promote the podcast and keep listeners engaged.

The podcast emphasizes the importance of podcasting as a channel for distribution and user acquisition, and encourages businesses to capitalize on it. The host mentions his own company, Acclaim, which specializes in podcast growth for B2B podcasts. The company is able to achieve 20 cent link clicks and downloads through Facebook ads.

In conclusion, the podcast highlights the potential of podcasting as a marketing tool and the importance of optimizing it for SEO and utilizing Facebook ads to drive downloads. By experimenting with new strategies and technologies, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and reach their audience more effectively, ultimately leading to greater success in their marketing efforts.

Podcast SEO and email marketing.

One of the key takeaways from the podcast is the importance of podcast SEO and how it can help businesses reach their target audience more effectively. By focusing on optimizing their podcast for search engines, businesses can improve their visibility and increase their chances of being discovered by potential listeners.

The podcast also highlights the power of email marketing and how it can be used to promote a podcast and build a loyal audience. By scraping email addresses related to their target audience and creating a newsletter that promotes their podcast, businesses can reach a large number of people and build trust with their audience.

The podcast also emphasizes the importance of Facebook ads in driving downloads and increasing visibility. By targeting specific demographics and interests, businesses can reach their ideal audience and increase their chances of converting them into loyal listeners.

Overall, the podcast provides valuable insights into the potential of podcasting as a marketing tool and the importance of utilizing various strategies and technologies to reach a wider audience. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and experimenting with new techniques, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and achieve greater success in their marketing efforts.

Focus on impactful marketing channels.

One key takeaway from the podcast is the importance of focusing on impactful marketing channels. The speaker emphasizes the need for companies to identify one or two channels that can immediately make an impact on their revenue, rather than spreading their resources too thin across multiple channels. This approach is particularly important for startups that are still in the early stages of building their business and need to prioritize revenue-generating activities.

The speaker also highlights the importance of transactional marketing, which involves focusing on channels that directly lead to revenue, such as Facebook ads and cold email. While long-term investments in channels like SEO and organic social media can be valuable, they may not necessarily lead to immediate revenue, which is crucial for startups that need to demonstrate their ability to generate income in order to secure funding.

Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the importance of experimentation and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in marketing. For example, the podcast discusses the potential of podcasting as a marketing tool and how it can be used to reach a wider audience. By being open to new ideas and willing to try new strategies, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and achieve greater success in their marketing efforts.

Overall, the podcast provides valuable insights into the importance of focusing on impactful marketing channels and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in marketing. By prioritizing revenue-generating activities and being open to new ideas, businesses can achieve greater success in their marketing efforts and ultimately build a stronger, more successful business.

Old school marketing is back.

One of the key themes that emerges from the podcast is the idea that old school marketing is back. Despite the proliferation of new technologies and channels for marketing, it seems that many businesses are returning to tried-and-true methods for reaching customers and generating revenue. This is due in part to the fact that many of the newer marketing channels are becoming increasingly crowded and competitive, making it harder for businesses to stand out and achieve their desired results.

One example of an old school marketing channel that is making a comeback is direct mail. The podcast discusses how businesses can use APIs to send physical mail to customers' mailboxes for as little as nine cents per piece. By putting a QR code on the mailer and making it cool and specific to the target audience, businesses can generate interest and engagement among potential customers. This is just one example of how businesses are getting creative with their marketing efforts and using old school tactics to achieve new results.

Another reason why old school marketing is back is that many businesses are realizing the importance of building their own media channels. As the cost of user acquisition increases and competition intensifies, businesses need to have their own channels for reaching customers and generating revenue. This might include building an email list, creating a podcast, or developing a content marketing strategy. By owning their own media channels, businesses can control the messaging and ensure that they are reaching the right people with the right message.

Ultimately, the podcast underscores the importance of staying nimble and open-minded when it comes to marketing. While it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, businesses should also be willing to experiment with new ideas and be open to old school tactics that have proven effective in the past. By focusing on revenue-generating activities and prioritizing impactful marketing channels, businesses can build a stronger, more successful business that is better equipped to weather the ups and downs of the marketplace.

Target customers, show up daily.

One of the key takeaways from the podcast is the importance of identifying and targeting your ideal customers. This is especially crucial in B2B marketing, where the sales cycle can be longer and more complex. The hosts emphasize that businesses should not overcomplicate this process, but instead focus on finding out where their target customers are and how to show up in their lives every day. This means being present on the platforms and channels where your customers are most active, and providing them with valuable content and solutions that address their pain points.

The hosts also stress the importance of being consistent in your marketing efforts. It's not enough to show up once or twice and then disappear. Instead, businesses should aim to be a constant presence in their customers' lives, providing them with ongoing value and building a relationship of trust and credibility. This requires a long-term mindset and a commitment to delivering quality content and experiences that keep customers engaged and coming back for more.

Another key point made in the podcast is the need to focus on the most cost-effective marketing channels. While there are many different tactics and strategies out there, not all of them will be the best fit for your business or your target audience. By prioritizing the channels and tactics that have the highest ROI and the greatest impact, businesses can maximize their marketing budgets and achieve better results in less time.

Ultimately, the podcast underscores the importance of staying agile and adaptable in the face of changing market conditions and customer needs. By constantly testing and iterating on their marketing strategies, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that they are delivering the most effective solutions to their customers. Whether it's through traditional marketing tactics or cutting-edge technologies, the key is to stay focused on the customer and their needs, and to be willing to experiment and try new things in order to achieve the best possible results.